You can listen to the full show in the audio player above and use these timestamps to skip around in the episode to the topic you want to hear.
- 1:38 – Background on how we met Bill
- 3:07 – Bill’s professional background
- 5:13 – LogicTrac
- [10:15] – 3 different closes to be used
- 13:38 – Power of professional relationships
- 20:09 – Scott shares a story about a great client referral
- 22:37 – Positive approach
- 25:32 – If you want to learn more about this process
We’re living in a world where traditional forms of marketing have been disrupted and advisors are looking for new ways to continue bringing in quality prospects.
Today we want to introduce you to someone we’ve known for a number of years and have built a great relationship with. Bill Johnson created the LogicTrac process to help clients get past the common hang-ups that hold prospects back. His consulting business has assisted advisors for more than 30 years and we wanted to let him explain the process and why it’s been successful.
A lot of what we’ll talk about goes into the psychology of people and financial decisions. It’s very interesting to hear how he got into this business of consulting and how it’s grown through the years. There’s a lot to learn about marketing and relationship-building so we hope you find a lot of value during this conversation.
Here are some great topics to keep an ear out for:
- The psychological side of decision-making
- The three different closes that Bill uses
- How to understand your clients better and the process they use to make financial decisions
- Using professional relationships to help expand prospect list
- Taking the high road
Bill also offers a 15-minute discovery call to any advisor that wants to take him up on it. He’ll help you identify unknown or untapped resources and provide some quick input on a concern you have with your business. Plus, he will be happy to share his view of where things are headed. It’s a great opportunity to improve yourself and your business so connect with him
You can listen to the full show in the audio player above and use these timestamps to skip around in the episode to the topic you want to hear.
We’re in essence doing something that has no scare tactic, no bad-mouthing, no misconceptions being laid out there, no wedges that sometimes are not in the best interest of the client or the prospects. We’re taking the high road and we’re doing what’s in essence right for that client, their heirs, their personal situation.
-Bill Johnson
Show Highlights:
Browse Resources
Browse Podcasts

Ep 10: Overcoming the Challenges Currently Facing Advisors

Ep 9: What We’ve Learned from Teaching Virtual Classes

Ep 8: Embracing New Technologies & Processes with Don Anders

Ep 7: Finishing Out 2020 & Planning for the New Year